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Session 1

Tips, Tools, and Resources to Develop Digital Safety, Empathy and Mindfulness
This workshop will dive deeper into the topics discussed in the Keynote, offering specific tips and activities the audience can use in their community to help prevent digital issues, and prepare youth and families for the impending challenges that Wearables, AI & Deepfakes will usher in.

Richard Guerry

All Hands On Deck for Students Experiencing Trauma
At least 25% of children have experienced trauma, often interfering with their learning and behavior. This interactive presentation will focus on recognizing signs/symptoms of trauma, implementing effective skills and practices, and steps to help your school become a safe and supportive environment. Participants will leave with strategies to support their students. Help your students “Maslow before Bloom”.

Dr. Cindy Topdemir
Dr. Gwen Gold Pearlstein

One Minute to Connect: How School Counselors Can Connect with Every Student Using Quick Check-Ins
Join Jen Miller as she shares "One Minute to Connect," a powerful method for building positive student relationships through quick checkins. This session covers the benefits of these brief interactions, practical tips, and real-life success stories. Learn how to foster a supportive environment, engage students, and enhance their well-being with simple, effective techniques.

Jennifer Miller

How School Counselors Can Support Refugee Students and Families Who Have Survived War.
This presentation explores the pivotal role of school counselors in supporting refugee students and families who have endured the trauma of war. It highlights effective counseling strategies that promote resilience, socio-emotional well-being, and academic success among refugee students. By emphasizing culturally responsive practices and strength-based strategies, school counselors can play a crucial role in supporting refugee students and families.

Iman Barakzoy
Sultana Rahim

Working with Students Experiencing Homelessness: A McKinney-Vento Act (MVA) Overview
The session will provide attendees with an overview of the McKinney- Vento Act and tie the services that are required to be provided to these students intersect with the Florida School Counselor Standards. The session will include general information and real-life scenarios for attendees to work through so they can return to their school’s better equipped to serve this population.

Bryce Trafford
Ashley H.K. Gill
Fabiola Garcia
Regina Dickey

FLShines: The State's Hub for Innovative Educational Services
FloridaShines is an information-rich website that offers FREE online tools and resources to help students succeed in school, earn a degree, and embark on a rewarding career. This state-funded office serves students throughout their educational journey including K-12, college, university, and technical education. Join to hear about the many FloridaShines offerings available to students, families, and counselors throughout the state!

Ashley Thimmes
Sarah Michael Trupiano

Session 2

Mind Matters: Tech and Mental Health
Join us as we explore the impact of technology on mental health and student success. Discover tools and resources designed to cultivate healthy coping strategies, responsible decision-making, and heightened self-awareness. Gain additional insight into the protective factors essential for nurturing resilience within your school community and what you can do to help educate and empower students.

Ashley Garrett

Connections: FL DOE Resiliency Standards and Resiliency Pathways Connected to School Counseling
Join DOE Officials to learn more about the Resiliency Standards and Resiliency Pathway programs underway. The Pathways include Resiliency Coach, Mentor, Educator and Apprenticeship.

Dr. Andrew Weatherill
Dr. Margaret Aune

Paving Their Way to AA
The dual enrollment pathway for students can be daunting especially the full-time options. Pinellas County Schools partners with St. Petersburg College to implement a support system and counseling curriculum to pave the way for hundreds of students to earn their AA while in high school. Please join us to learn how to help you work with this unique population of students.

Annie Updegraff
Airelle Woods

Collaboration Connection and Counseling

In our alternative school, collaboration between the school counselor and a licensed mental health counselor fosters resilience and relationships. Together, they provide tailored support, address emotional needs, and create a nurturing environment. This partnership enhances students' coping skills, emotional regulation, and overall wellbeing, ensuring every student thrives academically and personally.

Bridget Payne
Mary Kivett
Stephanie Palmer

Set Sail and Dive for treasure: Innovative strategies for promoting mental health and resilience on your elementary campus
Whether you are a veteran school counselor or aspiring new counselor you will walk away with some new strategies to implement on your elementary or middle school campus to promote mental health and resilience. Strategies include school-wide initiatives and programs, classroom lessons, Google Classroom "Break Room" ideas, Calming rooms & corners, and other hidden gems using children's literature and the ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors.

Dr. Randi Schietz

Xello: A Full K-12 College, Career & Life Readiness Experience
When students explore their interests and strengths from an early age they are more likely to make informed decisions about their future. Join us to explore Xello, Florida’s state-selected and funded CCLR platform that engages students in kindergarten through to 12th grade (and beyond). Learn how Xello empowers educators to enable students on their educational journey, equipping them with the essential skills and knowledge required to make informed decisions about their future plans and career paths.

Anthony Cook

Session 3

Florida School Counseling Standards: Program Implementation & School Counselor Evaluation
Effective June 27, 2023, certified school counselors in Florida practiced under a new set of seven professional standards, as set forth by the State Board of Education. These standards inform school counseling practice and are the future of school counselor evaluation systems in our state. Presentation will examine how to successfully align your school counseling program to Rule 6A-5.079 Florida School Counseling Standards, correlate the standards with the ASCA National Model, and how to develop a school counselor evaluation aligned with Rule 6A- 5.079, Florida School Counseling Standards.

Dr. Carmen Larson

Black American Students and CommunityConnections
School counselors underutilize three community entities within the Black American community: the Black Church, salons and barbershops, and Black Greek letter organizations (BGLOs). School counselors can use cultural wealth and multitiered systems of support (MTSS) as frameworks for making these connections to further cultivate Black American student achievement. This session provides information to aid school counselors in assisting students through data and SMART goals; bolstering student success; and closing the achievement, attainment, and opportunity gaps.

Dr. Krystal Clemons

Transcripts from Around the World: The Pivotal Role of School Counselors in Elevating Global Learners
School counselors are essential in guiding student success and ensuring accurate transcript evaluations for international learners. This session explores their role in fostering inclusive environments and effective credential assessments, using interactive elements to enhance understanding and implementation. Participants will gain innovative strategies for improving educational outcomes for global learners.

Araseli Martinez-Pena
Eveleen Suarez Garcia

Supervision Matters!
Are you supervising a school counselor in training for the first time? Have you provided school counselor supervision for years and just need some new ideas? Best practices in supervision will include activities, interventions, and strategies that range from interpersonal process recall to artwork to multiculturalism, all with a focus on fostering growth, cultural awareness, and adherence to ethical standards.

Dr. Laura Cohen
Dr. Lee Grimes
Dr. Teddi Cunningham

Peer Mentoring and Sense of Belonging from a K-12 Perspective
Peers play a significant role in students’ development. We illuminate the transformative power of peer mentoring relationships in a K-12 setting on students’ resilience, sense of belonging, and academic engagement. Learn about our unique programs at the elementary, middle, and high school levels that bring a cohesive Peer Mentoring culture to our school counseling program.

Jacyln Magrisso
Gigi Kean

College Boot Camp 101: A Comprehensive Approach to the College Application Process
The College Boot Camp provides 3 exciting and informative sessions to seniors who need help with the college planning process. From applying to colleges and universities to financing their post- secondary education, learn about all the different resources and techniques that your school counseling department can utilize to help more students complete their college applications successfully as well as increase your school’s Bright Futures and FAFSA completion rates.

Mary Turner
Megen Stair
Vanessa Sanchez

Session 4

Legal Considerations When Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth and Families: Review of HB 1557 Settlement & Updates of Title IX
This workshop will provide information regarding the historic settlement ending the dangerous impacts of HB 1557 in Florida and updates on Title IX regulations. Gain insights into fostering safe, inclusive environments for LGBTQ+ student within the current legal landscape, and strategies for improving mental health support for students and families during these challenging times.

Noelle DeLaCruz

Florida State Scholarships and Grants
A session to provide the latest updates of all Florida State Scholarship and Grants. This session will also give the attendees an opportunity to ask questions about any State Scholarship and Grant program. In addition, the session will review the overall financial aid process to include Federal, State, Institutional and Private funding for students attending all post-secondary institutions whether public, private non for profit, or private.

Pedro Hernandez

Pawsitive Pooch
Petting a dog can create an immediate calming effect and ease anxieties. Therapy dogs are particularly good when it comes to defusing stressful situations and supporting students who need a little extra TLC. This presentation will explore the nuts and bolts of implementing a therapy dog program in your school and becoming a Certified Animal- Assisted Intervention Specialist (C-AAIS).

Dr. Carmen Larson

Empowering School Counselors: Key Insights for Supporting Students in Foster Care
Discover the distinctive challenges and barriers students in foster care experience and learn effective strategies for school counselors to assist these students. This presentation offers valuable insights into understanding the needs of these students, along with practical advice to bolster their mental health, social well-being, and long-term
academic ambitions. Gain insights to strengthen your counseling approach and empower students in foster care to utilize the resources accessible to them in order to advance their academic and career goals.

Sarah K. Putnam
Dr. Chloe Lancaster

Opening The FLDOE Data Treasures
Counselors must access accurate information to design school counseling programs that create equity. Do you know how to find up-to-date data on attendance, discipline, and achievement? Do you know how to identify gaps in these areas based on race/ethnicity, disability, economic status, or native language? Let us show you how to access
and use this critical information to create a strong program that is data-informed and culturally responsive.

Dr. Laura Cohen
Dr. Anna Owens

Anchoring Tier I Strategies: Hoisting Sails of Achievement and Access for All Students
What if. . .you could strengthen your Tier 1 school counseling curriculum? Providing high-quality instruction to all students, regardless of skill level or background. Embark on an engaging and relevant learning experience; designed to share tangible takeaways of data-driven resources, assessments, counseling routines, and more. Inspiring you to set sail in ’24-25, prepared to navigate the school year!

Yolanda Loften Sims
Donnette Estelhomme

Session 5

Promoting LGBTQ+ Student Safety and Family Engagement
Equipping parents with tools to support and advocate for their LGBTQ child is crucial. This session features student insights on parental behaviors that improve their well-being and discusses strategies for engaging parents in advocacy to address educational issues at local and state levels.

Noelle DeLaCruz

Supporting Students Through Career Development Strategies
The presentation will begin with an overview of career and college readiness standards, including ASCA’s Mindsets and Behaviors. The session covers developmental considerations of K-12 students, including ways to best support marginalized populations. The presenter will share creative, engaging career strategies and approaches for integrating career development at every grade level through the lens of a comprehensive school counseling program.

Dr. Stacy Van Horn

Florida Department of Education Updates
This presentation will include updates from the Florida Department of Education. Updates include changes to statutes from the 2024 legislative session that impact school counselors. The presentation aims to inform school counselors of the new responsibilities, information, and considerations of each bill related to student advising.

Kim Brumage

Infusing Resiliency Education Using a Multi-Disciplinary Approach
This session will assist elementary school counselors with applying resiliency education through an MTSS framework. The presentation will cover how to analyze data to make informed decisions on the implementation of Tier 1 resiliency education interventions. The session would benefit school counselors that would like new ideas for school-wide events that include all stakeholders in the school community.

Cassie D'Addeo, LMFT
Erika Keller

Tips & Tricks for Becoming an Organized Counselor
Learn practical tips for becoming more organized and efficient. Walk away with ideas to implement immediately in your counseling program to organize your systems, documentation, and materials, everything from to-do lists to Google Drive. Eliminate your never-ending pile of post-it notes and papers and discover new ways to digitize it all. Perfect for graduate students, new counselors, or seasoned professionals.

Kristin Calvert

Mind, Body, and Soul Wellness: Strategies for Reducing Anxiety and Promoting Positive Habits
This presentation is aimed at empowering students and reducing test anxiety through wellness initiatives. Through mindfulness sessions, wellness basics, and engaging activities, students will learn to cultivate a positive mindset and develop essential study skills. Together, we'll rise by lifting each other up, creating a supportive environment for academic success.

Genvieve Stephenson
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FSCA is Home for Florida School Counselors.
Since 1964, FSCA is a chartered state division of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
© 2024 Florida School Counselor Association